New Muslim Development
Association (NMDA)
Invitation of Assistance
Respectable kind Muslim
religious Brothers and Sisters,
know, Bangladesh
is Muslim majority country. We have
grown up in this country from our boy hood. Ideality of the Islamic religion
and after informed of the rules
and principles has been attracted
to the Islam and as the Islam is only the true and correct religion, Allah is
alone and single and Hazrat Mohammad (sm) is the true of his sent, the greatest
and last Prophet and Rasul, after understand of the same, I have accepted in a
certain period of the Islamic religion. But for to take of the Islamic religion,
we have lost of our society, family members, relatives, paternal properties, all
of assets. After lost of all even after beaten by the non-faithful persons and
in the adverse environment and in the separate and floating condition, there is
maintaining an inhumane life. And some
other has been come to a choice the unwilling beggary profession finding no
other means due to the chasing of poverty. But why such kind of distress of a
New Muslim? What is the responsibility of Muslim community to their matter? And
what should to do, is this not a matter of thinking now? Crying of
a mother who have lost her child and parent less child’s sorrow and
pain, no body can realize it without the sufferings.
all of the converted new Muslims residing in Bangladesh, among them through the
creating unity, discipline and co-operation base environment and through the
volunteer work initiation and for to run of welfare base program to the
distress and helpless new Muslims of the society, this association has been
created. From the general fund of this organization, there is maintained of the
office expense and there is given assistance to all kinds of new Muslim and
helpless Muslims and from the poor fund, there is taken of the necessary step
for to progress, establishment and rehabilitation of the poor, orphan and
helpless new Muslims. It is overall of the word that main motto of this association,
to make self-reliance of the new Muslims. Income means of the association are
the public gift, Jakat, Fetra, Sacrifice Animals skin etc. So, for to make remove of the help less new
Muslims of their helpless condition, there is too much need for the
co-operation and well advice of all.
Therefore, I request you to
your favor that for to implementation of view and program of the association
and for to please of Allah and his Rasul, to the view of earned more good
result, your holy gift, jakat, fetra, sadka and mannat be
gifted all to this Association and will be earned endless good result
from Sadka-e-Jaria and for which is specially requested.
The Humble applicant
Maolana Khan Md. Abu
Bakar Siddique (New Muslim),
The Founder President
New Muslim Development
Bank Account : New Muslim
Development Association (NMDA)
Savings Account No. 33002896,
National Bank, Mohammadpur,
Estd.: 2008, Reg. No. Dha-08483
Office : 80/2, Road-6, Shamoli Housing, Mohammadpur,
Dhaka-1207, Mob.: 01716274896
Assalamu Alikum
Respectable kind Muslim
religious Brothers and Sisters,
know, Bangladesh
is Muslim majority country. We have
grown up in this country from our boy hood. Ideality of the Islamic religion
and after informed of the rules and principles has been attracted to the Islam and as the
Islam is only the true and correct religion, Allah is alone and single and
Hazrat Mohammad (sm) is the true of his sent, the greatest and last Prophet and
Rasul, after understand of the same, I have accepted in a certain period of the
Islamic religion. But for to take of the Islamic religion, we have lost of our
society, family members, relatives, paternal properties, all of assets. After
lost of all even after beaten by the non-faithful persons and in the adverse
environment and in the separate and floating condition, there is maintaining an
inhumane life. And some other has been
come to a choice the unwilling beggary profession finding no other means due to
the chasing of poverty. But why such kind of distress of a New Muslim? What is
the responsibility of Muslim community to their matter? And what should to do,
is this not a matter of thinking now? Crying of
a mother who have lost her child and parent less child’s sorrow and
pain, no body can realize it without the sufferings.
all of the converted new Muslims residing in Bangladesh, among them through the
creating unity, discipline and co-operation base environment and through the
volunteer work initiation and for to run of welfare base program to the
distress and helpless new Muslims of the society, this Association has been
created. From the general fund of this Association, there is maintained of the
office expense and there is given assistance to all kinds of new Muslim and
helpless Muslims and from the poor fund, there is taken of the necessary step
for to progress, establishment and rehabilitation of the poor, orphan and
helpless new Muslims. It is overall of the word that main motto of this
association, to make self-reliance of the new Muslims. Income means of the
association are the public gift, Jakat, Fetra, Sacrifice Animals skin etc. So, for to make remove of the help less new
Muslims of their helpless condition, there is too much need for the
co-operation and well advice of all.
I request you to your favor that for to implementation of view and program of
the Association and for to please of Allah and his Rasul, to the view of earned
more good result, your holy gift, jakat, fetra, sadka and mannat be gifted all to this Association and will be
earned endless good result from Sadka-e-Jaria and for which is specially
The Humble applicant
Moulana Khan Md. Abu
Bakar Siddique (New Muslim),
The Founder President
New Muslim Development
Bank Account : New Muslim
Development Association-NMDA
Savings Account No. 33002896,
National Bank, Mohammadpur,
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
نيو مسلم ديبيلوبمينت إسوسييشن
Social Welfare Association)
Established : 2008, Regn: No.
Dha - 08483
Office : 80/2, Road –
6, Shyamoli Housing, Mohammadpur, Dhaka – 1207, Bangladesh.
Mobile : 01716274896


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و
سعادة/ الإخوان و الأخوات
نحن نعلم بأن بنغلاديش دولة أغلبية المسلمين . نحن بلغنا من
الطفل في هذه الدولة . نحن رغبنا على
الدين الإسلام بعد الحصول على العلم باختصاص الهدف و القوانين لهذا الدين و أن الإسلام دين صدق و حقيقي لا غير و الله واحد و لا شريك له و محمد (صـ) رسول
الله و هو صادق و سيد المرسلين و خاتم
النبيين و أدركنا هذا الصدق و بمرحلة نحن قبلنا الدين الإسلام . لكن لسبب قبول الدين الإسلام نحن فقدنا الاجتماع و العائلة و الأقرباء و ممتلكات
متروكة من الأب لنا و جميع الوسائل . بعد فقدان جميع الأشياء حتى نحن حملنا ضربا بيد
المشركين و نحن نمضي الأيام فارقين عن الاجتماع و في حالة خطر .
و بعض لسبب تعذيب الفقر قد اختار
التسول مجبورا . لكن لما هذه
الحالة للمسلمين الجديد ؟ ما هي مسئولية الاجتماع المسلمين باختصاصهم ؟ و ما هي
واجب ، هذا موضوع الفكر أم لا ؟
صراخ والدة فاقدة الأولاد و أولاد فاقدي الوالدين أي شخص يحسسها إلا المصاب .
هذه الهيئة قد أسست لغرض إدارة
البرنامج الفائدة للمسلمين الجديد بإنشاء الاتحاد و النظام و الإحاطة المساعدة
بينهم بواسطة الأعمال التطوعية الذين قبلوا الدين الإسلام و هم بائسين . من
الصندوق العام للهيئة تدفع نفقات المكتب و
إعطاء المساعدة للمسلمين الجديد البائسين من كل ناحية و من صندوق الفقراء مساعدة الفقراء و اليتامى و المسلمين الجديد و
لتطوير هم و لإعادة تأهيلهم . حقيقيا هدف
رئيس لهذه الهيئة هي إنشائهم معتمدين على أنفسهم . واسطة دخل الهيئة هي تبرع
العوام و الزكوة و الفطرة و جلد الأضحية و غيرها . فلإزالة عزلة المسلمين الجديد لازم تعاون و مساعدة و
مشورة من الجميع جدا .
فنحن نقد الطلب إلى سعادتكم أن
تمنحوا التبرع و الهبة و الصدقة و الزكوة و الفطرة و النذر لهذه الهيئة لتنفيذ أهداف و أغراض و نشاطات الهيئة و لرضاء الله و رضاء رسوله و لغرض
الحصول على الثواب الكثير
و هذه تبقي كصدقات جارية .
مولانا خان محمد أبو بكر صديق
(المسلم الجديد)
المدير المؤسس
نيو مسلم ديبيلوبمينت إسوسييشن
Account No. 33002896, National Bank Ltd, Mohammadpur Branch, Dhaka
– 1207.