Registered as per Association Registration Act of the
year 1961
(Section No. 46 of Law of the year 1961)
Memorandum of Association
Articles of Association of
Section-1: Name of Association: New Muslim Development
Section-2: Address of Association:
Office: 80/2, Road No.6, Shamoli Housing, Mohammadpur, Dhkaa-1207. Office of
association will be replaced at any place of Dhaka District as per decision of
Executive Committee. If being replaced office of organization will be informed
to Registering Authority within 01 (one) week.
Section-3: Working area of association
Dhaka district. In next as per permission of registering
office proceeding will be increased for whole of Bangladesh, in necessity whole of
the world.
Section-4: Model & aim of association:
association is a Non-government voluntary social welfare non-profitable &
non- political association. This is an association on one or more subjects or
social welfare or human beneficiary by various types of proceedings. To operate
various type of socio-economic development proceedings of nation, religion,
color, tribe of locality i.e. for people of various stages of social by
voluntary works through making unity, discipline, helpful environment. This association
will do development works by accepting financial help of any association in
country or abroad. (by the permission of related authority)
Section-5: Wide aim and target of association
01. To
establish poor, helpless, meager of New Muslim by rehabilitation, marriage and
financial helping to them. The main object of this association is to make on
self depend of each New Muslim.
02. This
association is for escape from want of money or other any thing through
identifying as a New Muslim from various men from the place of mosque,
Madrasha, Eidgah, Waz Mahfil etc. Islam never like begs profession. So money
can not be asked by announce from mosque to mosque. But from association may be
03. After
embracing Islam 95% New Muslim pass life in inhumanly in floated situation
through losing relatives, movable and immovable property. Because
there is no any manage to rehabilitate New Muslim in
our country. The work of this association is to distribute uniformly through
receiving Jakat Fitra and other donation-contribution from men for development
of New Muslim.
04. This
association does not make differ between new & old Muslims. This association
is for to pass life directionless floated new Muslim with unity making an
organization establish in society obey the order of Allah and system of
Rasulullah (S). If any body make policy to recover benefit through arrange as a
New Muslim and on next time association realize his bad wish then association
will take hard lawful action against him.
05. Many
Non-muslims want to embrace Islam. But remain on father-grandfather’s religion
by not approaching ahead for availability any guide line i.e. manages of food,
cloth & security. This association is for any New Muslim so he does not
fall into any difficult for passing Islamic life with food, cloth and residence
after embracing Islam.
06. Education
related program:
the permission of related authority to develop of literacy by give social, old
and practical education by taking educational proceedings. To give stipend poor
and meritorious student and congratulations well doer. Give honorary to
individual and organization for vast contribution in education. Publish relating
education, culture and social development. Develop country culture with youth
and female education development.
07. Health
related program:
the permission of Ministry of Health to ensure diagnosis, prevent of disease
give better treatment and medicine supply. To establish hospital for good
treatment of poor people of the country and manage training to development of
treatment. Import medical instrument from abroad for good treatment in
hospital. Give First aid of maternity mother, vaccination of new child,
usefulness of mother mild totally to increase alertness of heath. Increase
alertness of people about health of mother- child. Realize nutrition project
for fulfill of nutrition demand.
08. Rehabilitation program of incapable &
By the permission of related ministry
take various programs for development of incapable, orphan, women & child. To
taka attempt for rehabilitation of neglected, poor of rootless child and to
develop their value of education, health, social and environment. Manage
residence and good treatment of old, physically incapable and incapable. To
rehabilitate incapable and tortured people of physically and mentally unable.
09. Women development program:
By the permission of related ministry
to free women society from dependability increase value in society and operate
necessary action to strong financial activities. To give lawful help of
tortured female with taking various types of activities, symposium &
conference for increasing female right and alertness. To give various training
for development and self dependability of eco-social of female and for self
dependence give more financial help,
10. Agriculture,
fish, animal & asset development program:
By the permission of related ministry
to cultivate vegetable, fish, rear cattle, goat, poultry, hatchery for fulfill
of nutrition and increase such earnings. To encourage people in agriculture
sector, by this build up farmer as a modern farmer through giving education and
in necessity give agriculture instruments, seed, fertilizer, medicine and
manage to give easily the same and build small & large cold storage and
stock farmers’ produced mushroom, honey insect, silk, duck, hen, fish goat
& cow product and manage to give training workless young male & female
& give training related cultivator.
11. Training program for removing poverty.
By the permission of related ministry
to take socio-economic development program through training to distress,
landless, moneyless, houseless and low earning men under the program related
removing poverty. To take program employment program and earning program by
institutional and vocational education to educated workless, young male- female
and widow.
12. Environment
preserving program:
Development appropriate environment
preservation of increasing of alertness & education spreading. For this
purpose plantation, foresting, nursery and take ecology collusion free program.
13. Social movement:
By the increasing of alertness of
people build anti movement of unsocial activates, narcotics and smoking.
Encourage people for giving up smoking and narcotics. Increase alertness of
people against immature marriage, many marriage, dowry and female torture, to
increase alertness for marriage registration. Taka service and rehabilitation
program for distressed men caused to flood, storms, epidemic etc. Take social
& cultural ceremony for prevent of criminal tendency of blindness, cruelty,
non-culture and torture and to encourage of help people. Manage to bury
non-succession dead body.
14. Technical training center establish for
development of man asset.
By the permission of related authority
take total activities for development of men asset and develop and eco-social
situation of the country and give technical training about various subject for
employment of educated workless young male-female.
15. Program related to small & cottage
By the permission of related authority
make new industry attempter by establishing industry under small & cottage
industry program, give foreign and local cook training to women, sketch katha
spin, sew katha and training of block-boutique and various hands works.
16. Program of aids and other disease protection:
By the permission of Ministry of
Health take real action to protect transiting diseases such as: cancer, HIV,
aids, plague, hepatitis-B, virus, sarse etc. to encourage people and give
treatment to patient effected by such diseases.
17. Arsenic
protecting program:
By the permission of Ministry of Health to encourage
people for drink pure water free from arsenic and & others harmful chemical
substance and take protecting program. To mark locality and tube-well fixing
harmful limit of arsenic for mankind in water.
18. Miscellaneous program:
By the
permission of related authority take project and realize for the people of
beach side / island earning. Take various programs and realize about value of
democracy in people and appoint comparer in national election take action and
realize for country and nation. Establish bio-gas plant and organic fertilizer
by vested filth. Operate micro-credit program on the basis of Micro Regulatory
Authority Registration.
19. Make
friendship relation with social welfare associations:
facility of proceeding operate proceedings with others associations. Establish
relation with Govt. Non-Govt. organization for development proceedings and
contact with other national & international associations. Ceremony of research, meeting, training &
workshop and development related seminar and symposium. (By the permission of
related authority).
Section-6: Classification of members:
It will
be as following types:
a) Establishment member
b) General member
c) Lifetime member
d) Advisory member
Qualification of member
a) Establishment member:
The members will signer of establishing association
all of them will Establishment member. The above members are allowed to present
in General meeting and casting vote in election and then will be counted as
higher council members.
General member:
Qualification of general member will
be as per section- 8
c) Lifetime donor member
citizen of Bangladesh
may achieve lifetime membership by paying yearly Tk. 1000/- (Taka one thousand)
or same value asset.
d) Advisory
member will be formed from lifetime donor member
Section-8: Regulations of member admission
Only new Muslim
bay member of this association
In certain
application fixed by association will have to be applied for to President with
admission fee of Tk. 100/- (Taka one hundred)
Will have to be
devoted in principle and object of association
President will
accept/cancel application of membership as per proposal accepted in Executive
Council meeting.
subscription of Tk.50/- fifty will have to be piad.
General Secretary
will submit for permission in deposited application and on the basis of
permission will write in exercise book.
Right and facility of members:
Right of casting vote and
participation will be preserved for general member of the association. Lifetime
& advisory member may give advice or work as election commission member for
development & greater benefit of association. For dying any executive/
general member in place of him suitable new Muslim successor will be replaced
in above post.
Canceling of membership.
Membership of any member will be
cancelled on following causes:
1. If resign on self
2. If loss mental balance
3. If be absent for three time in meeting or be inactive
and incapable in association’s works.
4. If do any work against benefit of association and his
behavior, conduct be anti of association and theft fund of association.
5. If do not pay monthly subscription for continuous
three months.
6. For death and for brain fag or being financial
disability and be sentenced by court
7. If any member accept service of association then his
membership will be cancelled and if any member take salary/allowance, honorary
allowance, profit and any financial facility then his membership will cancel
but collection or collective allowance can be accepted.
any member loss his membership and pray forgiveness for his fault then newly
application will have be done for admission for such member. To giving his
membership section -8 will be affected.
Section-12: Organizational
management of association organizational structure will be three: such as:
1. General Council
2. Executive council
3. Advisory council
General Council:
General council will be formed with
all general members. But there will not be upper limit of member of General
2. Executive council:
General Council will formed Executive
Council by election or selection consisting 07 seven members. Executive Council
will be formed with seven members of following Executive Officer.
President 1 person
Ass-president 1 person
General Secretary 1 person
Ass. General
Secretary 1 person
Treasurer 1 person
Member 1 person
Member 1 person
Total 07 persons.
Advisory Council
1. Executive Council will form Advisory
Council consisting 10 to 21 members. The persons of aged 25 to upper who will
help association by advice, money and asset for developing association he will
be appointed as honorable member of Advisory Council appointed by Executive
2. Period of Advisory Council will be
five years. Executive Council may dissolve period, responsibility and duty of
Advisory Council after fixed proceedings in necessary.
Section-13: Branches of association: By
the permission of registering authority branch of association may be opened
a) Branch council form and structure:
Branch council may be formed by the members from where branch will be opened as
per constitution of association. This branch council will be formed of 5
members consisting President, General Secretary, Cashier and 2 persons members.
Branch council is permitted and controlled by Central Council and branch is
elected will be operated by General Council.
b) Responsibility, duty and facility of
branches: Branch council will realize adopted activities by General &
Central Council. Branch Council will have to be answered for their all works to
General & Central Council. Branch council will not do any work without
permission of Central Council. Branch council will enjoy facility given by
Central Council.
c) Stop proceedings of Branches:
Activities of branches may be stopped as per decision of Central Council. For
this there will not bay any responsibility of Branch Council. If Central
council stop any activities it will inform registering authority for stopping
branch within 30 days.
d) Control system by Central Council: Branch
Council will be bound to do work as per budget and accepted proceedings by
Central council
e) President, General Secretary and
Cashier of Branch Council will be counted as member of Central Council by the
right of post.
Section-14: Power and responsibility of Executive Council
of Administrative Management
1. Permit necessary expenses of association
2. Form sub-committee for executing
special activity
3. Fix day, date, time, place and agenda
of meeting
4. Do manage of account, expenses voucher,
book & cash book of association
5. Control responsibility of
administrative, financial and operating of association
6. Appoint office- employee and fix
their salary and allowance By the permission of Registering Authority.
7. Accept and realize all administrative,
management and project and fix responsibility of employees.
8. Preserve power to cancel membership
of any member as per Section-10
Section-15: Power, responsibility and
duty of Executive Council
a) President:
He is total powerful of as chief of
Executive Council of association. He will preside to operate all meeting of association.
He is permitted to casting a vote in case of decision. He will represent as
president on behalf of organization and send anyone for representing. He will
permit all voucher of expense. He will perform responsibility of Executive
Director on non-salary as per decision of Executive Council. He will singe in
any agreement on behalf of association. He will request G.S. to call all
meetings and for any case if G.S. does not call General meeting he will call
meeting in emergency case.
b) Co-President
In absence of president will perform
responsibility and duty of president. He will help in all activities of
c) General Secretary:
He will call meeting of association
by discussion and permission of president. He will execute yearly income-
expenses account and audit report by the help of cashier and will submit the
same Executive, Advisory and General meetings.
And he will maintain contact, discussion and advice
with the members of General Council and Executive Council for total
d) Co-General Secretary:
In absence of General Secretary he will perform all
responsibility and duty of General Secretary and will help in all activities of
General Secretary.
He will
perform all financial matters of association. He will maintain association’s
expenses, bill voucher and account of members’ subscription with all others
account. He will take preparation for making monthly and yearly income-
expenses account & audit report of association.
Executive member:
Executive member will present in the
meeting of Executive Council and give opinion. He will perform responsibility
on him by Executive Council.
Method of Election:
a) Executive Council:
Executive Council will be elected or appointed by
proposals or support by secret ballot or on unit opinion of all General
members. After forming Executive Council the same will have to be informed to
registering authority within one month.
b) Period:
The period of Executive Council will for five years
from the date of election and appointment and fifth year general meeting will
be held.
Section-17: Election Commission: Election Council will be
formed consisting three members by the decision of General Council who will not
participate in election or no member of association
Method of vote
One person will give vote for one post and vote can
not be cast by any representative. Election Commission will declare Election
Schedule before 30 days of election. Regarding election decision will be
considered as final accepted by Commission.
Section-19 : Regulation of meeting
a) General meeting
General meeting will be held after & after one
year. Quorum will be fulfill in notice of 15 fifteen days and in presence of
2/3 of members.
b) Executive meeting
Executive council meeting will have to be held four
time in a year. Notice will have to be delivered before 7 days fixing date,
time place & agenda. Quorum will be fulfilling in presence of 2/3 of
Emergency meeting
1. General
meeting could be call in 3 three days notice. Quorum will be fulfilled in
presence of 2/3 of members.
2. Executive
Council will be called by notice of 24 hours. Quorum will be fulfilled in
presence of 2/3 of members.
d) Special General meeting:
On any
special cause General Meeting will be called by the notice of 07 seven days
notice. But in this discussion and decision can not be taken except special
agenda in this meeting. Notice will have to be given on written object of
special agenda. Quorum will be fulfilled in presence of 2/3 of members.
f) Calling meeting
1. At least 2/3 of total members on describing agenda
of special general meeting by sing application of calling meeting will have to
be submiited to president, general secretary.
2. If president, General Secretary do not invite for
calling meeting within receiving of 21 days notice then calling members are
permitted to call meeting with next one month of 15 days notice. But calling
meeting will have to be held at office of association. Quorum will be fulfilled
in presence of 2/3 of members.
g) Ending meeting
1. Meeting can be called on 30 minute late of General
Meeting time otherwise will have to be stopped.
2. For scarcity of quorum whether general meeting is
stopped then next meeting date will have to be delivered within 30 days.
3. For stopping meeting of Executive Council for third
time decision will have to be taken by present members.
Section-20: Fulfill of vacant post
By the
decision of 2/3 members of General Council vacant post of Executive Council
will have to be filled and that will be effective after taking permission of
registering authority.
Section-21: Power- responsibility of General Council
All power of association
will be depend on General Council. For benefit of association General Council
is permitted to take any legal decision & manage.
b) As per appointed or selection employee allowed to
present in Executive or other meeting as investigator but will not be right of
casting vote.
Proceeding of
General meeting as follows:
1. Fix attendance by signing name
2. Action description read & admit of previous
General Meeting
3. Submit all type of report and take decision on
4. Sub-rule correction (if any)
5. If any meeting president and Co-president being
absence or express inability for presiding then will make president from
present members by proposal and support.
Fund/ money transaction:
a) Donation and loan can be received from individual,
local-foreign association, welfare association or foundation & government.
b) After ending of financial year fund money can not be
distributed to members, only be expensed in welfare activities for achieving principal
& aim and object of the association. Moreover can be expense /donate for
real service in any type of work for benefit & development of association.
Financial management
a) An saving/current account will have to be opened in
the name of association at any schedule bank of Bangladesh for financial
b) By the permission of president money may be deposited
at one or more bank. President of Association will operate fund. In absence of
cashier general s. in absence of G.S. joint General Secretary will operate bank
account with president. No money can be withdrawn except president.
c) Collected money can not be kept in hand. Cash money
will have to be deposited in related bank but in emergency needs Tk. 50000/-
can be kept in hand of president.
d) For daily expenses president is permitted to withdraw
money from bank with co-sign of G.S. / cashier
e) After expensing money will have to be permitted in the
Executive meeting and in yearly general meeting all expenses will have be
permit and submit and budget
expenses will have to be audited by and firm. Such kind of audit will be on
yearly base. After audit report will have to be submitted at registering
Section-25: Foreign help/
The association will follow foreign
donation ordinance of 1978 for foreign donation. Foreign donation will be
operated by any schedule bank of government.
Section-26: Increase fund
For increasing fund any type of
project/ program / ceremony can be operated by permission of registering
Section-27: Correction of
Correction of constitution cane be
done by the permission of 2/3 part members and for final admit the same will
have to be submitted at registering authority. After permit by registering
authority that will be counted as effective.
Section-28: Priority of law & rule
If any thing is not remain in
constitution all proceeding will be operated by 46 No. Ordinance of the year
1961. Others proceeding will be operated by permission of relate ministry/
department/ authority
Section-29: Termination of association
For any certain reason three part of
five of total members want to dissolve the association then application will be
done to registering authority and registering authority will take decision
about this matter
![]() |
No.0087639 egistration No. Dha-08483
Government of the People's
Republic of Bangladesh
Ministry of Social Welfare
Social Service Department, Dhaka
District Social Welfare Office, Dhaka
Certifying that, registered "New Muslim Development
Association" of 80/2, Road -6, Shamoli housing, P.O. Mohammadpur, P.S.
Mohammadpur, Dist. Dhaka, Bangladesh on Two thousand eight month of December
fifteen days with the signature of self signer & government seal under the
Ordinance of Voluntary Social Welfare Organization of the year 1961 (46 No Ordinance of the year 1961). This
registered organization is permitted to operate it’s proceedings at Dhaka district and as proof as certificate is issued.
Registration number of this registered organization is: Dha-08483
Registration Authority
Social Service Department
Dhaka District, Dhaka.
1. Registrar authority:
Registration authority of volunteer organization according to
the notice of Ministry of social welfare No.
MSW/organization/miscellaneous-8/99 (part-1)-96
date: 01-4-99
General/ Director (proceeding) – Whole of Bangladesh/for more district.
deputy director of department of social welfare engage in the district he has
right to registration of volunteer organization in the area of his district. He
has not right to registrar of the other organization acting in the outside of
his district or another district. The eager organization has to application in
certain form by paying fees to the Director General/ director (proceeding) of
Department of social welfare, Agargaon, Dhaka for more district and whole of Bangladesh and
has to application to the deputy director of that district of social welfare
2. Obeying condition of each registered
organization under section 7 of volunteer social welfare organization ( Reg.
& control) of the year 1961.
a) The registrar
authority will maintain audited account of registered organization/firm in
certain system and registered organization/ firm will collect this relating
information/chart from registrar authority.
b) The registered
organization/ firm will submit the yearly report to registering authority
within the 20 date of each January and that will published for benefit of
c) All obtained
money of registered organization will be deposited in the bank or banks
permitting by the registering authority in separate account.
d) Registering
authority has right to inspect the account or papers of registered organization
time to time and that organization will be bound to submit papers as per
e) Registering
authority or officer empowered by authority has right to account book, other
record or letter of credit by organization cash money with other property and
all related documents.
3. About cancel/
breaking of directing council for short time.
According to the above ordinance No.9 registering authority
has right to cancel or break of a registered organization
(Authority can break
directing council for the iregulation about fund, non-management of work
proceeding do not obey rule according to the ordinance)
4. About breaking the
registered organization
a) If appear cause of
registering authority that a registered organization activates opposite to
ordinance, harmful activity for public then that authority will send report to
government for suitable hearing the statement of charged organization.
Government can give order if he seems necessary & appropriate. From the
certain date of order the organization will break.
b) Any registered organization
has not right to break his directing council. For the breaking of such
organization three-fifth member will apply to government for breaking the
organization. Government can break the organization by quoting certain date of
registered organization on satisfaction.
5. Punishment &
According to the
section-14 of discussed ordinance any organization expresses any fault in
report of description for knowing of people or in the application submitted to
the authority the applicant/ applicants have to prison for 6 months or Tk.
2000/- money punishment or has to both punishment.
6. Should be diary in
related police station for lost/burn this certificate and should be apply to
director general, department of social welfare by registering authority for
duplicate copy by obeying appropriate fees and facilities. Duplicate copy only
will issue director general social welfare department. Other officer can not
issue it.