Classification of members:
 It will be as following types:
a)     Establishment member
b)    General member

c)     Lifetime member

d)    Advisory member

Qualification of member
a)     Establishment member:

The members will signer of establishing association all of them will Establishment member. The above members are allowed to present in General meeting and casting vote in election and then will be counted as higher council members.

b)      General member:

          Qualification of general member will be as per section- 8

c)       Lifetime donor member

          Any citizen of Bangladesh may achieve lifetime membership by paying yearly Tk. 1000/- (Taka one thousand) or same value asset.

d)      Advisory member:

          Advisory member will be formed from lifetime donor member

Regulations of member admission

a)                 Only new Muslim bay member of this association

b)                In certain application fixed by association will have to be applied for to President with admission fee of Tk. 100/- (Taka one hundred)

c)                 Will have to be devoted in principle and object of association

d)                President will accept/cancel application of membership as per proposal accepted in Executive Council meeting.

e)                 Monthly subscription of Tk.50/- fifty will have to be piad.

f)                  General Secretary will submit for permission in deposited application and on the basis of permission will write in exercise book.

Right and facility of members:
          Right of casting vote and participation will be preserved for general member of the association. Lifetime & advisory member may give advice or work as election commission member for development & greater benefit of association. For dying any executive/ general member in place of him suitable new Muslim successor will be replaced in above post.

Canceling of membership.
          Membership of any member will be cancelled on following causes:

1.     If resign on self

2.     If loss mental balance

3.     If be absent for three time in meeting or be inactive and incapable in association’s works.

4.     If do any work against benefit of association and his behavior, conduct be anti of association and theft fund of association.

5.     If do not pay monthly subscription for continuous three months.

6.     For death and for brain fag or being financial disability and be sentenced by court

7.     If any member accept service of association then his membership will be cancelled and if any member take salary/allowance, honorary allowance, profit and any financial facility then his membership will cancel but collection or collective allowance can be accepted.


                   If any member loss his membership and pray forgiveness for his fault then newly application will have be done for admission for such member. To giving his membership section -8 will be affected.

Organizational structure:

          For management of association organizational structure will be three: such as:

1.     General Council

2.     Executive council

3.     Advisory council

1.       General Council:

          General council will be formed with all general members. But there will not be upper limit of member of General Council.

2.       Executive council:

          General Council will formed Executive Council by election or selection consisting 07 seven members. Executive Council will be formed with seven members of following Executive Officer.

1.                 President                                 1 person

2.                 Ass-president                          1 person

3.                 General Secretary          1 person

4.                 Ass. General Secretary            1 person

5.                 Treasurer                                 1 person

6.                 Member                                   1 person

7.                 Member                                   1 person

Total 07 persons.

3. Advisory Council

1.     Executive Council will form Advisory Council consisting 10 to 21 members. The persons of aged 25 to upper who will help association by advice, money and asset for developing association he will be appointed as honorable member of Advisory Council appointed by Executive Council.

2.     Period of Advisory Council will be five years. Executive Council may dissolve period, responsibility and duty of Advisory Council after fixed proceedings in necessary.

Branches of association: By the permission of registering authority branch of association may be opened

a)     Branch council form and structure: Branch council may be formed by the members from where branch will be opened as per constitution of association. This branch council will be formed of 5 members consisting President, General Secretary, Cashier and 2 persons members. Branch council is permitted and controlled by Central Council and branch is elected will be operated by General Council.

b)    Responsibility, duty and facility of branches: Branch council will realize adopted activities by General & Central Council. Branch Council will have to be answered for their all works to General & Central Council. Branch council will not do any work without permission of Central Council. Branch council will enjoy facility given by Central Council.

c)     Stop proceedings of Branches: Activities of branches may be stopped as per decision of Central Council. For this there will not bay any responsibility of Branch Council. If Central council stop any activities it will inform registering authority for stopping branch within 30 days.

d)    Control system by Central Council: Branch Council will be bound to do work as per budget and accepted proceedings by Central council

e)     President, General Secretary and Cashier of Branch Council will be counted as member of Central Council by the right of post.


Power and responsibility of Executive Council of Administrative Management

1.     Permit necessary expenses of association

2.     Form sub-committee for executing special activity

3.     Fix day, date, time, place and agenda of meeting

4.     Do manage of account, expenses voucher, book & cash book of association

5.     Control responsibility of administrative, financial and operating of association

6.     Appoint office- employee and fix their salary and allowance By the permission of Registering Authority.

7.     Accept and realize all administrative, management and project and fix responsibility of employees.

8.     Preserve power to cancel membership of any member as per Section-10

Power, responsibility and duty of Executive Council

a)     President:

He is total powerful of as chief of Executive Council of association. He will preside to operate all meeting of association. He is permitted to casting a vote in case of decision. He will represent as president on behalf of organization and send anyone for representing. He will permit all voucher of expense. He will perform responsibility of Executive Director on non-salary as per decision of Executive Council. He will singe in any agreement on behalf of association. He will request G.S. to call all meetings and for any case if G.S. does not call General meeting he will call meeting in emergency case.

b)    Co-President

In absence of president will perform responsibility and duty of president. He will help in all activities of president.

c)     General Secretary:

He will call meeting of association by discussion and permission of president. He will execute yearly income- expenses account and audit report by the help of cashier and will submit the same Executive, Advisory and General meetings.

And he will maintain contact, discussion and advice with the members of General Council and Executive Council for total development.

d)    Co-General Secretary:

In absence of General Secretary he will perform all responsibility and duty of General Secretary and will help in all activities of General Secretary.

      e)  Cashier:

          He will perform all financial matters of association. He will maintain association’s expenses, bill voucher and account of members’ subscription with all others account. He will take preparation for making monthly and yearly income- expenses account & audit report of association.

      f)  Executive member:

          Executive member will present in the meeting of Executive Council and give opinion. He will perform responsibility on him by Executive Council.