
To establish poor, helpless, meager of New Muslim by rehabilitation, marriage and financial helping to them. The main object of this association is to make on self depend of each New Muslim.

This association is for escape from want of money or other any thing through identifying as a New Muslim from various men from the place of mosque, Madrasha, Eidgah, Waz Mahfil etc. Islam never like begs profession. So money can not be asked by announce from mosque to mosque. But from association may be asked.

After embracing Islam 95% New Muslim pass life in inhumanly in floated situation through losing relatives, movable and immovable property. Because

there is no any manage to rehabilitate New Muslim in our country. The work of this association is to distribute uniformly through receiving Jakat Fitra and other donation-contribution from men for development of New Muslim.

This association does not make differ between new & old Muslims. This association is for to pass life directionless floated new Muslim with unity making an organization establish in society obey the order of Allah and system of Rasulullah (S). If any body make policy to recover benefit through arrange as a New Muslim and on next time association realize his bad wish then association will take hard lawful action against him.

Many Non-muslims want to embrace Islam. But remain on father-grandfather’s religion by not approaching ahead for availability any guide line i.e. manages of food, cloth & security. This association is for any New Muslim so he does not fall into any difficult for passing Islamic life with food, cloth and residence after embracing Islam.

Education related program:

Health related program:

Rehabilitation program of incapable & distressed:

Women development program:

Agriculture, fish, animal & asset development program:

Training program for removing poverty.

Environment preserving program:Social movement:

Technical training center establish for development of man asset.

Program related to small & cottage industry:

Program of aids and other disease protection:

Arsenic protecting program:

Miscellaneous program: